I find it almost unbelievable that many men have not tried anal sex. When I talk about anal sex it includes many different connotations. Many men do not realize the pleasure of anal sex because mistakenly they feel you need to be gay to enjoy it. Being gay or bisexual might make you more open to it but there are more straight men than you might imagine enjoying the pleasures of anal sex and no your wife/girlfriend does not need to use a strap-on dildo for you to try it, though if she is willing why not? Using an Ass Spark cock ring anal plug offers you two distinct stimulation pleasures in one package. A cock ring that keeps the penis hard and sensitive and a plug which is most often metal to be moderately too deep inside of you depending which style you choose. It is nice to be able to go at your own speed, using liberal amounts of lube and realizing the immense pleasure anal sex offers everyone! Having some of the most intense orgasms of your life might just get you hooked on it.