This is one very extreme thong.

We are all about extreme at in fact there is little if anything about us that is not. I can’t imagine anyone using the word modest about anything we offer says Michael David the head designer at Koala and he is extremely proud of that.  One of his most exciting designs and one of our most popular thong swimsuits is the Ring Bearer Thong. A very suave and sophisticated design that is eager to please in more ways than one. It is created in a rubber look matt finished spandex which does a great job of showing the penis outline especially the outline of the head. The thong cut shows the full ass shape and the narrow cut pouch covers the cock but little else. It is just enough to be barely legal on most beaches. The huge surprise comes underneath in the form of an Ass Spark cock ring/ anal plug that keeps the pouch looking full always, keeps the wearer fully stimulated at all times since there is a sensual  metal plug inserted deeply inside of you at all times. The fact is this combination cock ring and anal plug is what holds the thong together without it the swimsuit would not even stay on. Best of all only you know what you are wearing no one else will know your secret! Be ready for the time of your life in this very extreme swimsuit.