Unlike regular surf shorts you have a choice when it comes to how your penis is situated in your bikini, thong, G-string or micro shorts. You can go up, you can fold it over the balls facing down or you might choose like I do to have it pointed straight forward with the head pushing into the fabric. On most suits this last choice shows off the head in all of its glory but on the down side (if it bothers you) it shows the size of the shaft. In my case and many of you that choose to wear your spandex suits penis forward we have small enough cocks to keep it displayed all day long. I know it often looks about an inch or so long but I love that look and I love the way the penis head is so thoroughly outlined. Shaft down is the most popular option for many reasons. If you penis is larger it tends to be the most comfortable way of showing it off and if you are on the small side it makes your bulge look larger than the penis forward look. I choose this look when I want my bulge to look it’s largest and often I will choose a suit with a built in adjustable cock ring which push the bulge out and tends to keep things looking as large as possible. For most men the up position is a last choice unless you can maintain an erection for long periods and enjoy showing it otherwise there is little left to the imagination since the shaft length is right on display without the benefit of showing off the head. When I do choose to wear penis up on a suit or micro shorts I tend to get wet easier (not a bad thing) though the wet spots are there for all to see.
Posted by Michael on 1/4/2018 to