This is one very extreme thong.
Posted by Michael on 7/26/2018 to
We are all about extreme at in fact there is little if anything about us that is not. I can’t imagine anyone using the word modest about anything we offer says Michael David the head designer at Koala and he is extremely proud of that. One of his
Our customers and our very extreme designs.
Posted by Michael on 7/18/2018 to
We have an extremely diverse customer base of gay, straight, bi, pansexual, asexual, transgender and I’m sure I’m missing a few other groups of people but you get the idea. We produce
The perfect beach bikini!
Posted by Michael on 7/12/2018 to
Whether you have a large collection of thongs, bikinis and micro shorts like me and many Koala customers or you are just starting out having a first bikini, a favorite bikini is a must. Bikinis can be a little intimidating for men