Chastity Lifer with Testicle Containment cock ring Cock Cage CLSB8933 $49.00
The thought of having to wear a chastity cage scares the hell out of some men while many cherish the thought. There is a school of thought that states all men should be forced into chastity or go willingly at least once in their life. The Chastity Lifer Cock Cage is ready for both, lifers that need to be caged either by want, force or a combination of the two and men that need to experience the feeling of being caged for which there are many reasons, too many to discuss here. This is a great looking mini style cage made of stainless-streel and built to last. Wear it for hours, days, weeks or years, it is ready to rock. Best of all it offers a unique testicle containment cock ring that keeps the balls tightly packaged and in full control of the cage. It looks incredible and feels fantastic.