Bring out the big guns and get ready for extreme action. The Diablo line of sex-cock-wear are some of our most popular designs. This bad boy is a direct result of customer feedback on what they desired. The Diablo Arsenal offers everything all the Diablo suits do, in that it is a ball splitting shaft throbbing intimidating fun suit. A true sexual pleasure design created for action, in order to expand your expectations of pleasure. Now we have taken the concept one step further by incorporating a thick rubber anal spreader. This is the first time we have used a rubber ring as an anal spreader and we are thrilled with the results. The ring literally molds into place. It stays in place better than metal rings and it frames the hole beautifully by telling the world here I am and I want to be played with. What more can you really ask for? Maybe winning the lottery sure, but Diablo Arsenal will give you instant gratification 100% of the time!