New No Gender Suits-Let Koala make you gender-less!
Eunuch Micro Postage Stamp Thong EMPT6927 $36.00
As with the other Eunuch Micro Postage Stamp designs this one is the world’s smallest thong, again smaller than any thong for a man or a woman. It is insanely small but still covers everything in front while covering virtually nothing. This will be the thong I wear to the beach when I am in the mood to shatter the record for tiniest swimsuit ever seen on a beach in Los Angeles! I love thongs and this one has a great looking rear and a genderless non-male, non-female front. The Eunuch Micro Postage Stamp style designs all work the same way by setting the testicles and Scutum in a tiny pouch pulled under you and between the legs into the cheek area completely out of site from the front and the rear, castrated just not permanently. The shaft pulled down then forced inside your body and held in place by the smallest bit of fabric that acts as the front exposed part of the suit. It is postage stamp sized
One size adjustable