Feminizer Flying-V MTF Transformation Inverted with Lip Wings and Catheter FFVET4472 $99.00
We added lip wings to our amazing Feminizer Flying-V inverted which includes an optional use catheter. This is unlike any of our other Feminizer Flying-V’s that reshaped the peins into a vagina using the testicles as vagina lips. This new design goes a step further by forcing the testicles inside of the body and using the scrotum to create the vagina lip flaps. This is a much smaller vagina, like that of an eighteen-year-old girl and it is sure to look absolutely stunning on you. Many of our ideas come from customers that use our products but this time it came directly from me. I was role playing wearing a Feminizer Flying-V inverted and after a bit of rough sex realized it could be even more fun with the testicles completely out of the way. Whether you are Trans, a sissy, a femme boy or someone into feminizing and role play this new creation should positively be part of your collection. One of my girlfriends commented on how beautiful my meat curtains were as she kissed them. It is that special.