The Girl Slut is a kissing cousin to our other clitoris exposing, male to female transformation designs with some slight, but important, tweaks. Many Koala customers use these extreme designs as their actual beach wear, which is a wonderful thing since that is why they were designed. I love the exposed clit option and I find it arousing on so many different levels. That said, we wanted to be able to make sure the lips could be totally covered for public use. In addition, we cut down the size of the panel that forces and keeps the shaft inside of you. We had received many requests for feminizing clit exposing styles to be in pink. The Girl Slut can be used with either the 1.75” or 2.00” anal stretcher plug if you are feeling like a round of intense anal stretching and stimulation is in order. Let’s see how this all adds up: you can hide or show your clitoris in a beautiful micro pink G-string along with the option of showing more pink from the rear with a hole stretcher. On the other hand, you can use it as the perfect feminizing panties under just about anything. Don’t forget that it is made in the USA and ready to handle your most playful sexual encounters. Anyone up for a pussy spanking?