Male Man MM4288 $37.00
The Male Man is our first one off of Koala’s best-selling bikini of all time, “The Male Room”. The scrunch butt cheek enhancing look turned out to be much bigger than we had ever imagined. We knew the original Male Room would be popular, but we had no idea that almost every Koala Customer seemed to want one! Butts are in fashion and highlighting or exposing them is now. I believe with all my years of swimwear experience that it has gone way beyond a trend and is now ingrained as law. “Thou shall show off a ton of ass”. This may not be not yet a commandment, but you get the idea. We must thank the ladies for this trend. I wish everyone reading this could visit Venice Beach in Los Angeles and see that over 50%, even way over 50% of the young women and up exposing most if not all of their asses. How perfect is that? My answer is almost perfect. It will be perfect when the same percentage of men are doing the same. Let’s pass on the sermon and get back to the awesome new suit. The Male Man offers a total scrunch butt style to highlight and display your ass perfectly. It is the same metal rubberized finished spandex fabric on the Male Room but in a new beautiful lavender. The front pouch is ample for most men no matter how small or large. As with most Koala styles the penis is treated as the treasure it is. The rear is cut a tad higher than the Male Room.