Micro Penis Maker Baby Pinky MPMBP2222 $36.00
Following in the foot print of the Micro Penis Maker suit which is the smallest male form swimsuit design the world has ever and will ever see (the only suits that are smaller are the Eunuch Postage Stamp designs which feature no-gender) The Micro Penis Maker Baby Pinky is just as small as the original but it is in bright pink perfect for showing off your fraction of an inch little cock for the world to see. I have used this design at the beach and as fun as it is to micro package your cock in this lovely feeling swimsuit it is even more fun when people see you wearing it. Each person that sees you in this suit will take a second and third look, every person that sees you wearing the Micro Penis Maker Baby Pinky has never seen anything like it. Blown away wearing it and blow people away when you wear it. It does not get any better than that!