Prostitute Unleashed PU6933 $36.00
Is it possible for a swimsuit to be absolutely masculine and with a slight change absolutely feminine? It is now!
Now you can have the best of both world's!
The Prostitute Unleashed is a switch hitter, it can be one of the most masculine designs you will ever see showing off and adding inches to your cock and with a slight change it can remove any thought of you having a penis a changing it to look like a scrumptious and enticing vagina, perfectly formed. We have two new designs that work on this same design concept, this one and our new Prostitute Black Panther. The description of this design is a little wordy compared to most but I am so excited about it that I needed to let the information flow out of me. Our standard Prostitute feminizing suit is an extremely popular MTF style and one of our first total feminizing suits that gives you a flat pussy look rather than the camel toe look, many of our other MTF styles present. The standard Prostitute uses a hidden interior metal ring to pull everything back but we wanted the same lovely style without using the metal ring. We played around with the basic style making changes to the design to make it work exceptionally well but without using a metal ring. This led us to an interesting new concept, one that we have never made and one that I have never seen before, as far as I am concerned it is a new zenith of gender bending design and one of the first that allows you with a slight change that you can do around the pool or at the beach in a second to change your sex. Go male or go female, the option is yours without changing suits. What is even more exciting is that if you decide to go male this design takes your shaft, stretches it and keeps it long just for show while still in a micro pouch. When you go feminine wearing the Prostitute Unleashed the balls and shaft are reworked into a very pretty little smooth shaped pussy. This design without question will be one of the most exciting in your collection.