Stay-Tight Pussy Fire Chastity Harness STPF3669 $29.00
Male chastity is about a lot of different sexual, mental, physical and control aspects. When you cage a man, many things happen to him including loss of sexual abilities while he is cage and some men are kept caged for long periods of time, there is the element of control and humiliation with many cages featuring aspects of feminization. The Stay-Tight line of chastity harnesses work with most cages and allow the wearer more comfort and control of the cage, some even allow the wearer to use the cage exposed in public while still being fully covered. The Stay-Tight Pussy Fire is all about comfort but also all about humiliation and feminization. We like many mistresses and masters feel the wearer should be both feminized and humiliated as part of their chastity training. This design takes what is not caged, the testicles and totally feminizes them allowing you to split them and pull them back far enough so they appear to be a vagina separate from your caged shaft. Amazing and awesome.