The Equalizer Man Form TE2699 $19.00
For the times you want to look like you have a huge cock!
If you are one of the five percenters that have a large cock that stays looking big in you shorts, tights, pants, or swimwear then this product is not for you. If you are like the other ninety five percent of us, then this may just be a life saver. Many of us have small to moderate sized penises and the vast majority of those are “growers” not “showers”. There are times when men even the most feminine of men what to show that real man look. Lucky for you Koala has a lot of answers to the question “how can I make my pouch look like I am well hung?” One of the answers is the Equalizer Man Form which swallows up your little penis and in its place is a nice full man-sized cock that stays nice and large longer than most of us could dream of. Slip it in and strut around. No one is going to know your secret it does look like the real deal.
Silicone for comfort.